& BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Indian Institute Of Technology Madras

Vengadesan S


Ph.D., Graduate School of Science & Technology, Kobe University, Japan, (2002).

M.S., (Research)Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras, (1992).

B.E., (Honours)Department of Mechanical Engineering, REC (NIT) Trichy, (1987).



 Research Interests

  • CFD and turbulence modeling (RANS)
  • LES / DES (Hybrid LES)
  • Unsteady aerodynamics
  • Multiphase flow
  • Heat transfer studies

 Office Location

   CFD Lab,
   Department of Applied Mechanics & Biomedical Engineering,
   Indian Institute Of Technology Madras,
   Phone: +91 44 22574063.

  July 2020 – Present

   Professor (HAG)

   Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras

  July 2013 – June 2020


   Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras

  March 2009 – July 2013

   Associate Professor

   Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras

  March 2003 – March 2009

   Assistant Professor

   Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras

  April 2002 – March 2003

   Assistant Professor

   Department of Mechanical Engg., Amrita University, Coimbatore, India

  March 1999 – February 2002

   Assistant Professor

   Graduate School of Science & Technology, Kobe University, Japan

  January 1995 – January 1999


   Department of Mechanical Engineering, SASTRA, Thanjavur, India

  January 1993 – November 1994

   Research Assistant

   Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, West Virginia University (WVU), USA

  January 1992 – December 1992

   Research Student

   Graduate School of Science & Technology, Kobe University, Japan

  December 1990 – January 1992

   Project Associate

    Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Madras. The project was supported by C-DAC, Pune

  Jun. 1987 – Nov. 1988

   Methods Engineer (PED)

    TVS-Suzuki Ltd., Hosur, India

  Professional Body Membership

  • Life member of the Indian Society for Applied Mechanics (ISAM) since 2017
  • Life Member of the American Physical Society (APS) since 2016
  • Life Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) since 2011
  • Fellow of the Aeronautical Society of India (FAeSI) since 2014
  • Fellow (FIE) of the Institute of Engineers since 2012
  • Life member of the National Society of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (NSFMFP) since 2005
  • Life member of the NSWE since 2005
  • Life member of the Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI) 2004
  • Member of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) from 1999 to 2002
  • Member of the Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics from 1992 to 1993
  • Life Member of the Indian Sociey for Technical Education (ISTE) since 1994

  Journal Publications

  • K.Sreekesh, D.K.Tafti and S. Vengadesan, 'The combined effect of coriolis and centrifugal buoyancy forces on internal cooling of turbine blades with modified ribs using Large Eddy Simulation (LES)' International Journal of Thermal Sciences
  • H.E. Endigeri, R. Deepak Selvakumar and S. Vengadesan, 'Solid-liquid phase change subjected to unipolar charge injection from a circular wire electrode' International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
  • Selvakumar, R.D., and Vengadesan, S., 'Combined effects of buoyancy and electric forces on non-isothermal melting of a dielectric phase change material', International Journal of Multiphase Flow
  • Ullas, P.K., Dhiman Chatterjee and S.Vengadesan, ‘Prediction of unsteady, internal turbulent cavitating flow using dynamic cavitation model’, Int. Jl. Numerical Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow, Jan. 2022. DOI: 10.1108/hff-09-2021-0600
  • P. Immanuvel, K. Arul Prakash, and S.Vengadesan, ‘Reduced-order modelling of non-canonical laminar wakes’, J. Flow Visualization and Image Processing , DOI: 10.1615/JFlowVisImageProc.2022040226
  • Sai Guruprasad Jakkala and S.Vengadesan, ‘Study on the applicability of URANS, LES and hybrid LES/RANS models for prediction of hydrodynamics of cyclone separator’, ASME J Fluids Engg., 144(3): 031501 , March 2022.
  • Himanshu Mishra, Anubhab Roy and S.Vengadesan, ‘Stability of Two-layer flows past slippery surfaces, Part 1I – Inclined channels’, Physics of Fluids 33, 084113, August 2021.
  • Sreekesh.K, D.K.Tafti and S.Vengadesan, ‘The effect of rotation on internal cooling of turbine blades with modified ribs using Large Eddy Simulation (LES)’, Numerical Heat Transfer – Part A Application , 8, n9, June 2021.
  • Vignesh Ramakrishnan, Remil Mushthaq, Anubhab Roy, and S.Vengadesan, ‘Stability of Two-layer flows past slippery surfaces, Part 1 – Horizontal channels’, Physics of Fluids ,   084112, August 2021.
  • Deepthi.S, and S.Vengadesan, ‘Can the ground enhance vertical force for inclined stroke plane flapping wing?’, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics , 16, n4, 046010, June 2021,
  • Sreekesh.K, D.K.Tafti and S.Vengadesan, ‘LES investigation of modification rib shapes on heat transfer in a ribbed duct’, Accepted, ASME J Heat Transfer, 143(11): 112101 , Nov. 2021.
  • Yaswanth.M, A.P.Anintha, S.Vengadesan and Dhiman Chatterjee, ‘Numerical investigation of the effect of the leakage flow on cavitation in centrifugal pump’, J. Phy., Conf. Ser , 1909 (2021) 012016, DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1909/1/012016
  • Manabendendra M. De, J.S.Mathur and S.Vengadesan, ‘Entropy and Fractal perspectives of flapping wings subjected to gust’, Accepted, I Mech E Part G – Jl. of Aerospace Engineering , Dec 2020. DOI: 10.1177/0954410021993297
  • Vivek P, S.Vengadesan and K. Arul Prakash, ‘Effect of cylinder arrangement on fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics past four cylinders’, Heat Transfer Engg. , 142, 081301-1 – 081301-11, August’2020. DOI: 10.1115/1.4046770
  • Aneesh S. Mohanan, B.V.S.S.S. Prasad and S.Vengadesan, ‘Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Cross-flow Heat Exchangers with Elliptic Tubes’, Heat Transfer Engg. DOI: 10.1115/1.4046770
  • Prashant Khandelwal, Rahul Subburaj and S.Vengadesan, ‘Shear Layer interactions with Fluid-Fluid interface in the wake of an elliptic cylinder’, ASME J. Fluids Engg. , 142, 081301-1 – 081301-11, April’2020. DOI: 10.1115/1.4046770
  • Deepthi. S, and S.Vengadesan, ‘Role of the dipole jet in inclined stroke plane kinematics of insect flight’, Jl. of Bionic Engineering , 17, 161-173, Jan.2020.
  • Rahul Subburaj and S.Vengadesan, ‘Flow features for two cylinders arranged in tandem configuration near a free surface’, Jl of Fluids and Struct. , 91, Oct.’2019.
  • Manabendendra M. De, J.S.Mathur and S.Vengadesan, ‘Simulation of flapping wings subjected to gusty inflow’, 123 (1266), 1170-1192, The Aeronautical Jl, July. July. 2019.
  • M.Saurav Kumar and S.Vengdesan, 'The effect of fin oscillation in heat transfer enhancement in separated flow over a backward facing step', Int. Jl. Heat and Mass Transfer , 128, 954-963, 2019.
  • Manabendendra M. De, J.S.Mathur and S.Vengadesan, ‘Recurrence studies of insect-sized flapping wings in inclined-stroke plane under gusty conditions’, Sadhana, Proc. of Academy of Sciences , 44:67, 1-7, Feb.’2019.
  • Manabendendra M. De, J.S.Mathur and S.Vengadesan, ‘Computational study of insect-sized flapping wings in inclined stroke plane under the influence of temporarily varying shear inflow’, Jl. Aerospace Sciences and Technologies , 70,4, 329-341, Nov.’2018.
  • Rahul Subburaj, Prashant Khandelwal, and S.Vengadesan, ‘Numerical study of flow past an elliptic cylinder near a free surface’, Physics of Fluids , 30, 103603-1 – 103603-16, Oct.’2018.
  • Sandeep N. Naik, S.Vengadesan and K.Arul Prakash, ‘Linear shear flow past a rotating elliptic cylinder’, ASME Jl. of Fluids Engg. , 68, 2018, doi:10.1115/1.4040365
  • K.Venkat Narayanan, S.Vengadesan and K.Murali, 'Wall proximity effects on the flow past cylinder with flexible filament', Jl. of Ocean Engg. , 157, 54-68, June, 2018.
  • M.Saurav Kumar and S.Vengdesan, 'Control of Separated flow and heat transfer characteristics over a backward facing step', Numer. Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications , 73, 6, 366-384, Feb.2018.
  • K.Karthik, M.Vishnu, S.Vengadesan and S.K.Bhattacharyya, 'Prediction of flow induced sound generated by cross flow past finite length circular cylinders', Jl. of Wind Engg., & Indus. Aerodynamics , 174, 133 - 140, 2018.
  • K.Karthik, S.Vengadesan and S.K.Bhattacharyya, 'Prediction of flow induced sound generated by cross flow past finite length circular cylinders', Jl. of the Acoust. Soc. America , 143, 1, 260-270, 2018.
  • K.Shaafi, Sandeep N Naik and S.Vengadesan, ‘Effect of rotating cylinder on the wake-wall interactions’, Jl. Ocean Engg. , 139, 275-286, 2017.
  • N.G.Srinidhi, and S.Vengadesan, ‘Ground effect of tandem flapping wings hovering’, Comput. and Fluids , 152, 40-56, 2017.
  • Srinidhi, N.G. and S.Vengadesan, ‘Lagrangian Coherent Structures in Tandem flapping wing hovering’, Jl. of Bionic Engineering , 14, 307-316, 2017.
  • Sandeep N. Naik, S.Vengadesan and K.Arul Prakash, ‘Numerical study of fluid flow past a rotating elliptic cylinder’, Jl. of Fluids and Structure , 68, 15-31, 2017.
  • P. Immanuvel, K. Arul Prakash, S.Vengadesan and V.Pulletikurthi ‘Analysis and characterisation of momentum and thermal wakes of elliptic cylinders’, J. Fluid Mech. , 807, 303-323, 2016.
  • D.P.Tarkes, K.Ramesh, Puneet Mahajan and S.Vengadesan, 'Numerical modelling of cooling stage of Glass molding process Assisted by CFD and measurement', J. Am. Ceram. Soc. , 99, 470-483, 2016.
  • Shaafi Mohamed, and S.Vengadesan, ‘Wall proximity effects on effectiveness of upstream control rod’, Jl. of Fluids and Structure , 49, 112-134, 2014.
  • P. Immanuvel, K. Arul Prakash and S.Vengadesan, ‘Onset of laminar separation and vortex shedding in flow past unconfined elliptic cylinders’, Phys. Fluids , 26, 023601-1, 023601-15, 2014.
  • P. Immanuvel, K. Arul Prakash and S.Vengadesan, ‘Numerical analysis of fluid flow characteristics of flow past an elliptic cylinder: a parameter study’, Int. Jl. for Numerical Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow , 24, 7, 1570-1594, 2014.
  • Shaafi Mohamed, and S.Vengadesan, ‘Heat transfer characteristics of flow over circular cylinder with an upstream control rod in wall vicinity’, Numerical Heat Transfer - Part A , 65, 1-25, 2014.
  • P. Immanuvel, K. Arul Prakash and S.Vengadesan, ‘Forced convection heat transfer from unconfined isothermal and isoflux elliptic cylinders’, Numerical Heat Transfer - Part A , 64, 648-675, 2013.
  • S. Kalyana Raman, K. Arul Prakash and S.Vengadesan, ‘Effect of axis ratio on fluid flow around elliptic cylinder – A numerical study’, ASME J. Fluids Engineering , 135, 1-10, 2013.
  • S. G. Shereena, S.Vengadesan, S.K.Bhattacharyya and V.G. Idichandy, ‘A CFD study of drag reduction in axisymmetric underwater vehicles using air jets’, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics , 7, 193-209, 2012.
  • Sreekar Gomatam, S.Vengadesan and S.K.Bhattacharyya, ‘Numerical Simulations of flow past an autonomous underwater vehicle at various drift angles’, Jl. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering , Vol. 9, no.2, pp.135 – 152, 2012.
  • S. Kalyana Raman, K. Arul Prakash and S.Vengadesan, ‘Numerical study of mixed convection around an elliptic cylinder using Immersed Boundary Method’, Numerical Heat Transfer - Part A , Vol. 3, 62, pp. 639-658, 2012.
  • M.B.Shyam Kumar and S.Vengadesan, ‘Influence of rounded corners on flow interference due to square cylinders using immersed boundary method’, ASME J. Fluids Engineering , Vol.134, 091203-1 – 091203-23, June, 2012.
  • Poornima, J., and S.Vengadesan, ‘Numerical simulation of bubble transport in a bifurcating microchannel - A Preliminary Study’, ASME J. Biomechanical Engineering , Vol.134, 081005-1 – 081005-10, August, 2012.
  • S. Kalyana Raman, K. Arul Prakash and S.Vengadesan, ‘Numerical study of mixed convection around an elliptic cylinder using immersed boundary method’, Int J Adv Eng Sci Appl Math , DOI 10.1007/s12572-012-0069-8, 2012.
  • Y.Sudhakar and S.Vengadesan, ‘Vortex shedding characteristics of a circular cylinder with an oscillating wake splitter plate’, Computers and Fluids , Vol. 53, pp. 40 – 52, 2012.
  • R.Sakthivel, S.Vengadesan and S.K.Bhattacharyya, ‘Application of non-linear k-ε turbulence model in flow simulation over underwater axisymmetric hull at high angle of attack’, Jl. of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering , Vol. 2, pp.149 – 163, 2011.
  • K.Chitra, S.Vengadesan, T.Sundararajan and P.Nithiarasu, ‘Non-Newtonian blood flow study in a model Cavopulmonary Vascular system’, Int. Jl. for Numer. Methods in Fluids , Vol. 66, pp.269-283, 2011.
  • Virag Mishra, S.Vengadesan and S.K.Bhattacharyya, ‘Estimation of translational added mass of axisymmetric underwater bodies with forward speed using computational fluid p-2 text-white bg-secondarydynamics’, Journal of Ship Research , Vol. 55, n3, pp. 185 - 195, 2011.
  • A.Lankadasu and S.Vengadesan, ‘Shear effect on the square cylinder wake transition characteristics’, Int. Jl. for Numer. Methods in Fluids , 67, pp. 1115-1134, 2011.
  • Y.Sudhakar and S.Vengadesan, ‘Functional significance of delayed stall in insect flight’, Numerical Heat Transfer – Part A , Vol. 58, 1, pp.65-83, 2010.
  • C.Sony and S.Vengadesan, ‘Enhanced vortex stability in trapped vortex combustor’, Aeronautical Journal , Vol.114, no.1155, 333-337, May, 2010.
  • Y.Sudhakar and S.Vengadesan, ‘Flight force production by flapping insect wings in inclined stroke plane kinematics’, Computers &. Fluids , 39, pp.683-695, 2010.
  • M.B.Shyam Kumar and S.Vengadesan, ‘LES investigation of interference effect due to bluff bodies at High Reynolds Number’, Int. Jl. of Computational Fluid Dynamics , Vol. 23, no. 10, 671-686, Dec. 2009.
  • N. Sekarapandian, YVSS Sanyasiraju and S.Vengadesan, ‘A novel semi-explicit fourth order accurate projection method for unsteady incompressible viscous flows’, Numerical Heat Transfer – Part A , Vol. 56, no. 8, 665 — 684, 2009.
  • A.Lankadasu and S.Vengadesan, ‘Large eddy simulation of bluff body wake in planar shear flow’, Int. Jl. for Numer. Methods in Fluids , Vol. 29, pp.1054-1059, 2009.
  • K.Chitra, S.Vengadesan, T.Sundararajan and P.Nithiarasu, ‘An investigation of pulsatile flow in a model cavo-pulmonary vascular system’, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering , Vol. 25, 1061-1083, 2009.
  • A.Lankadasu and S.Vengadesan, ‘Influence of inlet shear on the square cylinder wake transition’, Jl. of Fluids and Structures , 25, 889-896, 2009.
  • N. Sekarapandian, YVSS Sanyasiraju and S.Vengadesan, ‘Compact finite difference schemes to simulate unsteady phenomena’, Jl. of Combinatop-2 text-white bg-secondaryrics, Information & System Science , Vol. 33, No. 3-4, 231 – 241, 2008.
  • A.Lankadasu and S.Vengadesan, ‘Onset of vortex shedding in planar shear flow past a square cylinder’, Int. Jl. for Heat and Fluid Flow , Vol. 29, pp.1054-1059, 2008.
  • P.Selvaganesh and S.Vengadesan, ‘Cold flow analysis of trapped vortex combustor using two equation turbulence model’, Aeronautical Jl , Vol. 112, no.1136, 2008.
  • A.Lankadasu and S.Vengadesan, ‘Interference effect of two equal size square cylinders in tandem arrangement: with planar shear flow’, Int. Jl. for Numerical Methods in Fluids , Vol.57, 1005-1021, 2008.
  • T.Ayyappan, and S.Vengadesan, ‘Three dimensional unsteady simulation of turbulent flow past circular cylinder by non-linear model’, Numerical Heat Transfer – Part A , Vol 54, n2, pp.221-234, 2008.
  • G.Seeta Ratnam and S.Vengadesan, ‘Performance of two-equation turbulence models for prediction of flow and heat transfer over a wall mounted cube’, Int. Jl. of Heat and Mass Transfer , Vol.51, no. 11-12, pp. 2836 – 2846, 2008.
  • T.Ayyappan and S.Vengadesan, ‘Influence of staggering angle of rotating rod on flow past a circular cylinder’, ASME – Jl. of Fluids Engg. , Vol. 130, 0301103- 1 – 0301103-11, 2008.
  • M.Kumaran and S.Vengadesan, ‘Flow characteristics behind rectangular cylinder placed near a wall’, Numerical Heat Transfer – Part A , Vol.52, no.7, pp.643-660, 2007.
  • S.Vengadesan and P.Nithiarasu, ‘Hybrid LES – Review & assessment’, Sadhana, Proc. of Academy of Sciences , Vol.32, part 5, pp.501-511, 2007.
  • V.Ramesh, S.Vengadesan and J.L.Narasimhan, ‘Mean pressure prediction for the case of 3D unsteady turbulent flow past isolated prismatic cylinder’, Int. Jl. of Wind and Structures , Vol. 9, No.5, pp.357-367, 2006.
  • V.Ramesh, S.Vengadesan and J.L.Narasimhan, ‘3D unsteady RANS simulation of turbulent flow over bluff body by non-linear model’, Int. Jl. for Numerical Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow , Vol. 16, No.6, pp.660-673, 2006.
  • S.Vengadesan, S.Yokojima and A.Nakayama, ‘Collocated finite difference method in general curvilinear coordinates for simulation of flows over arbitrary geometry’, Jl. Aerospace Sciences and Technologies , Vol. 57, n.2, pp.250-258, 2005.
  • S.Vengadesan, E.G.Tulapurkara and D.Pramod Kumar, ‘Influence of splitter plate arrangement on flow past rectangular cylinders of different aspect ratios’, Jl. of Flow Visualization & Image Processing , Vol. 12, no. 4, pp.409-434, 2005.
  • S.Vengadesan and B.H.Lakshmana Gowda, ‘Influence due to arrangement of splitter plate on the flow past a circular cylinder’, Jl. of Flow Visualization & Image Processing , Vol.12, No.2, pp.137-150, 2005.
  • S.Vengadesan and A.Nakayama, ‘Evaluation of LES for flow over bluff body from engineering application perspective’, Sadhana, Proc. of Academy of Sciences , Vol. 30, Part 1, pp.11-20, 2005.
  • S.Vengadesan, A.Nakayama and S.Yokojima, ‘An investigation on the applicability of Cartesian grid approach to calculate flow over arbitrary terrain’, Indian Jl. of Engineering and Material Sciences , Vol.11, pp.465-472, 2004.
  • Sankara N. Vengadesan and Akihiko Nakayama, ‘Comparison of calculations of flow past smooth hill using rectangular and boundary-fitted grid’, Annual J. of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE , Vol. 46, pp.391-396, 2002.
  • A. Nakayama and S.N.Vengadesan, ‘On the influence of numerical schemes and subgrid stress models on LES of turbulent flow past a square cylinder’, Int. Jl. for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol.38, no.3, pp.227-253, 2002.
  • Sankara N.Vengadesan and Akihiko Nakayama, ‘An investigation of appropriate LES method for wind flow over two-dimensional topography’, Annual J. Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, Vol.45, pp.223-228, 2001.
  • Sankara N.Vengadesan and Akihiko Nakayama, ‘Effects of finite difference schemes on LES of turbulent flow around bluff body’, Annual J. of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE , Vol. 44, pp.581-587, 2000.
  • S.Vengadesan and A. Nakayama, ‘Performance of k- model in computing asymmetric near wakes’, AIAA Journal , Vol.32, pp.1925-1926, 1994.
  • E.G.Tulapurkara, S.Vengadesan and J.Lakshminarasimhan, ‘Computation of turbulent asymmetric wakes’, Int. Jl. for Numerical Methods in Fluids , Vol.16, pp.239-248, 1993.
  • V.R.Deshpande, S.Vengadesan and E.G.Tulapurkara, ‘Parallelisation of finite volume code’, J.Aeronautical Society of India , Vol.44, pp.297-302, 1992.

  Conference Proceedings

  • Shyam Prasad, Sai Guruprasad Jakkala and S. Vengadesan, ‘Study of particle dispersion models in a cyclone separator with hybrid turbulence models’, accepted. 48th FMFP National Conference on FMFP 2021, BITS Pilani, Dec., 2021.
  • Sai Guruprasad Jakkala, Aaron Feinauer, Jeorg Petrasch, Vengadesan S, Andre Benard, and James Klausner, ‘Thermo-fluid and thermo-mechanical simulations of plate heat exchangers for high temperature and high pressure applications’, ASTFE 7th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, USA, April 2022.
  • Kumud Mittal, G.Saravana Kumar, K.Arul Prakash, Sreenivas Jayanti and S. Vengadesan. ‘Parametric modelling, analysis and design of compact diffuser for heat exchanger’, 4th National Conference on Multidisciplinary Design, Analysis and Optimization, 7-9 Oct, 2021.
  • Deepthi, S and S.Vengadesan, ‘Tiny Insect Jets,’ presented at Gallery of Fluid Motion, 73rd Annual Meeting of APS-DFD, Nov 23-25, 2020, USA.
  • Deepthi, S and S.Vengadesan, ‘Numerical Investigation of Flapping Wings in Inclined Stroke Plane Kinematics’, presented at AIAA SciTechForum, 6-10, Orlando, Florida, USA, Jan.’2020.
  • Himanshu Mishra, Anubhab Roy, and S Vengadesan, ‘Linear stability of two phase stratified flow in an inclined slippery channel’, Poster presented at ComFlu, IISER Bhopal, Dec. 5-7, 2019.
  • Naveen Raj N Nannamkeril, Danesh K. Tafti and S Vengadesan, ‘Particle Scale Heat Transfer Calculations and Flow Characteristics in a Fluidized Bed with immersed tube by CFD-DEM Approach’, presented at 72nd APS-DFD meeting, Nov.23-26, Seattle, WA, USA, 2019.
  • Sai Guruprasad Jakkala and S.Vengadesan, ‘Study of Hybrid LES/ RANS in OpenFOAM applied to Taylor-Couette Flow’, presented at 46th National Conference on FMFP, PSG Tech., Dec.10-12, 2019.
  • Sai Guruprasad Jakkala and S.Vengadesan, ‘Application of DES to hydrocyclones’, accepted for presentation at 17th European Turbulence Conference, Torino, Italy, Sep.’2019.
  • Sreekesh,K, S Vengadesan and Danesh K Tafti, ‘Numerical investigation on flow in a duct with square ribs and forward step rib mounted on walls’, presented at 4th ASME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, USA, Apr.14-16, 2019.
  • Aneesh. K. Mohanan, B. V. S. S. S. Prasad and S. Vengadesan, ‘Fluid flow and thermal performance in circular, elliptical and mixed tube bundle cross flow heat exchanger’, presented at Twelve International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications, IIT Gandhinagar, Feb.’2019.
  • Naveen Raj N Nannamkeril, S Vengadesan and Danesh K Tafti, ‘Particle Scale Heat Transfer Modeling in Fluid-Particle Mixtures Using Discrete Element Modeling’, presented at 7th Inter. and 45th National Conference on FMFP, IIT Bombay, Dec.10-12, 2018.
  • Sreekesh,K, S Vengadesan and Danesh K Tafti, ‘Evaluation of LES, WALE and DDES model in a ribbed duct for the internal cooling of turbine blades’, presented at 7th International and 45th National Conference on FMFP, IIT Bombay, Dec.10-12, 2018.
  • Manabendendra M. De, J.S.Mathur and S.Vengadesan, ‘On the recurrence signatures of flapping wings exposed to gusty simple shear flow’, presented at ISTAM 2018, Bengaluru, Dec.21-23, 2018.
  • P.Kandelwal, Rahul Subburaj and S.Vengadesan, ‘Interactions of the Wake of a Stationary and Rotating Cylinder in Presence of a Binary Fluid Interface’, presented at 7th International and 45th National Conference on FMFP, IIT Bombay, Dec. 10-12, 2018.
  • Manabendendra M. De, J.S.Mathur and S.Vengadesan, ‘3D Comptational studies of flapping wing in frontal gusty shear flow’, presented at 8th SAROD 2018, Nov.29 – Dec.1, 2018, Bengaluru.
  • P.Kandelwal and S.Vengadesan, ‘Study on translating and oscillating body near a free surface’, presented at 71st APS-DFD meeting, Nov.18-20, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2018.
  • Manabendendra M. De, J.S.Mathur and S.Vengadesan, ‘Computational studies of insect-sized Flapping wings in inclined stroke’, presented at the 20th AeSI CFD symposium, Bengaluru, August, 11-12, 2018.
  • Saurav Kumar and S.Vengadesan, ‘Effect of Obstacle in Laminar Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Behaviour in Separated Flow over a Backward Facing Step’, presented at 44th National Conf. on FMFP, Dec.14-16, Kochi, 2017.
  • P.Kandelwal and S.Vengadesan, ‘Interfacial interactions in the wake of elliptic cylinders’, presented at 70th APS-DFD meeting, Nov.19-21, Denver, Colarado, USA, 2017.
  • Saurav Kumar and S.Vengadesan, ‘Three-dimensional numerical study of heat transfer enhancement in separated flows’, presented at 70th APS-DFD meeting, Nov.19-21, Denver, Colarado, USA, 2017.
  • Venkat Narayanan and S.Vengadesan, ‘Near wall effects on flexible splitter plate behind a cylinder’, presented at 70th APS-DFD meeting, Nov.19-21, Denver, Colarado, USA, 2017.
  • Rahul Subburaj and S.Vengadesan, ‘Numerical simulation of flow past an elliptic cylinder at different angles of attack near a free surface using Level-set method’, presented at 70th APS-DFD meeting, Nov.19-21, Denver, Colarado, USA, 2017.
  • Manabendendra M. De, J.S.Mathur and S.Vengadesan, '3D Numerical Investigation of insect sized flapping wings under different frontal inflow conditions', presented at the 19th AeSI CFD symposium, Bengaluru, August, 11-12, 2017.
  • Manabendendra M. De, J.S.Mathur and S.Vengadesan, 'Numerical investigation of insect sized flapping wings in inclined stroke plane under the influence of frontal gust', presented at the 18th AeSI CFD symposium, Bengaluru, August, 11-12, 2016.
  • Manabendendra M. De, J.S.Mathur and S.Vengadesan, 'Numerical investigation of insect-sized flapping wing in inclined-stroke plane under the influence of spatio-temporally varying frontal gust', presented at 61st ISTAM, VIT Vellore, December, 2016.
  • Srinidhi and S.Vengadesan, ‘Numerical study of tandem flapping wings hovering near ground’, 69th APS-DFD meeting, Portland, USA, Nov.2016.
  • Manabendendra M. De, J.S.Mathur and S.Vengadesan, 'Numerical investigation of insect sized flapping wings in inclined stroke plane ', presented at the 18th AeSI CFD symposium, Bengaluru, August, 11-12, 2016.
  • Sandeep Naik, S.Vengadesan and K.Arul Prakash, 'Flow past rotating elliptic cylinder', 46th AIAA meeting, Washington DC, June, 2016.
  • Sandeep Naik, S.Vengadesan and K.Arul Prakash, 'Flow past rotating elliptic cylinder', 42nd National Conf. on FMFP, NIT Suratkal, Dec.14-16, 2015.
  • Karthik, K., Bhattacharya, S.K and Vengadesan, S. 'Prediction of sound generated from flow past square cylinder', 42nd National Conf. on FMFP, NIT Suratkal, Dec.14-16, 2015.
  • Srinidhi and S.Vengadesan, ‘Parallel implementation of immersed boundary projection method’, presented at the 17th AeSI CFD symposium, Bengaluru, August, 2015.
  • Inayath N., S.Vengadesan and B.V.S.S.S. Prasad, ‘Wall static pressure distribution for circular jets impinging on a rotating concave surface’, Indian National Conference on Applied Mechanics, IIT Delhi, June 2015.
  • Krishne Gowda and S.Vengadesan, 'Aerodynamics of flapping wing in inclined stroke plane hovering with ground effect', 67th APS-DFD meeting, San Francisco, USA, Nov.2014.
  • Karumanchi Sharma, N.Sekarapandian, S.Vengadesan and Y.V.S.S. Sanyasiraju, ’Study of flow over Backward Facing step with square cylinder placed inside using Higher Order Compact Scheme’, 16th AeSI CFD Symposium, Bangalore, 2014.
  • Karthik, K., Bhattacharya, S.K and Vengadesan, S. 'Numerical Computation of Flow Noise Around a Circular Cylinder Using LES'. 4th European Seminar on Computing, June 15 to 20, 2014, Pilsen, Czech Republic.
  • Karthik, K., Bhattacharya, S.K and Vengadesan, S. 'CFD Approach to the prediction of flow noise in turbulent boundary layer for a flat plate'. National Conf. on FMFP, 184, December 12 - 14, 2013, NIT Hamirpur.
  • Poornima, J. and S.Vengadesan, ‘Influence of contact angle in bubble transport in a rectangular bifurcating microchannel', presented at Inter. Conf. on BioMedical Engineering, Dec. 2013, National University of Singapore.
  • Karthik, K., Bhattacharya, S.K and Vengadesan, S. 'Simulation of turbulent flow and prediction of flow induced sound using RANS solutions'. 15th AeSI Annual CFD Symposium, 1, 106-108, August 9th and 10th, 2013, IISC Bangalore.
  • Shaafi Mohamed and S.Vengadesan, ‘Vortex suppression by combined shear effect of a plane wall and asymmetric wake of a rotating cylinder’, Proc. EFMC9, Rome, Italy, September 2012.
  • P. Immanual, K. Arul Prakash and S.Vengadesan, ‘Numerical study of flow past elliptic cylinder using immersed boundary method’, Proc. of 36th National Conference on FMFP, Dec. 16-18, 2011, Bhopal.
  • M.B.Shyam Kumar and S.Vengadesan, ‘Effect of flow interference between two square cylinders with corner radius using immersed boundary method’, Proc. 13th AeSI Annual CFD Symposium, August 11-12, 2011, Bangalore.
  • M.B.Shyam Kumar and S.Vengadesan, ‘Numerical investigation of flow interference between two square cylinders with rounded corners using immersed boundary method’, Proc. ICCFD, Paris, France, July 2011.
  • Sreedevi Radhakrishnan, S.Vengadesan and V.G.Idichandy, ‘Numerical simulation of a fin with varying angle of attack’, Proc. ICCFD, Paris, France, July 2011.
  • Y.Sudhakar, S.Vengadesan and Shaafi Mohamed, ‘Wake characteristics of circular cylinder attached with an oscillating splitter plate’, IUTAM Symp. On Bluff Body flows (BLUF2011), IIT Kanpur, pp. 46 – 49, Dec., 2011.
  • S.Kalyanaraman, K. Arul Prakash and S.Vengadesan, ‘Effect of axis ratio on heat transfer around an elliptic cylinder using immersed boundary method’, Proc. of 21st National and 10th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Conf., Dec. 27-30, 2011.
  • Poornima, J. and S.Vengadesan, 'Effect of roll angle on the bubble transport in a symmetric bifurcating microchannel', 2nd Inter. Conf. Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engg., Mar.2011, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Shereena, S.G, S.Vengadesan, V.G.Idichandy and S.K.Bhattacharyya, ‘Study of drag reduction in underwater vehicles using air jets by CFD approach’, Seventh Inter. Conf. on High Performance Marine Vehicles, Melbourne, Florida, Oct., 13 – 15, 2010, USA.
  • M.B.Shyam Kumar and S.Vengadesan, ‘A study on the influence on the gap ratio on turbulent flow past two equal sized square cylinders placed side-by-side’, Proc. of 35th National Conference and 4th Inter. Conf. on FMFP, Dec. 16-18, 2010, IIT Madras.
  • M.B.Shyam Kumar and S.Vengadesan, ‘Influence of Corner Radius on flow past an isolated square cylinder with rounded corners using immersed boundary method’, Proc. 13th Asian Congress on Fluid Mechanics, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December, 2010.
  • S.Kalyanaraman, K. Arul Prakash and S.Vengadesan, ‘Effect of axis ratio on fluid flow around elliptic cylinder using immersed boundary method’, Proc. of 35th National Conference and 4th Inter. Conf. on FMFP, Dec. 16-18, 2010, IIT Madras.
  • Umesh Kumar Jha, S.Vengadesan and BVSSS Prasad, ‘Influence of bell mouth angle of volute casing on the performance of small size centrifugal fan’, Proc. of 35th National Conference and 4th Inter. Conf. on FMFP, Dec., 16-18, 2010, IIT Madras.
  • C.Sony and S.Vengadesan, ‘Reacting flow analysis of a two-cavity trapped vortex combustor’, Proc. of 34th National Conference on FMFP, pp. B6-1 – B6-9, Dec, 2009.
  • C.Sony and S.Vengadesan, ‘Reacting flow analysis of a two-cavity trapped vortex combustor’, Proc. of 34th National Conference on FMFP, pp. B6-1 – B6-9, Dec, 2009.
  • Virag Mishra, S.Vengadesan and S.K.Bhattacharyya, ‘Evaluation of performance of nonlinear k-ε turbulence model for axisymmetric bodies at angle of attack’, Proc. of 34th National Conference on FMFP, pp. B6-1 – B6-9, Dec, 2008.
  • Y.Sudhakar and S.Vengadesan, ‘Computation of viscous flow past moving bodies: Use of immersed boundary method’, 12th AeSI CFD Symposium, Bangalore, August, 2008.
  • Chitra K., S. Vengadesan, T. Sundararajan and P. Nithiarasu, ‘Pulsatile flow investigation in a model cavopulmonary connection’, Proc. 1st Inter. Conf. on Mathematical and Computational Biomedical Engineering – CMBE2010, 29th June -1st July 2009, Swansea, UK.
  • Y.Sudhakar and S.Vengadesan, ‘Aerodynamic Force Generation in Tiny Hovering Insects’, AIAA-2009-4197, AIAA – Fluid Dynamics Meeting, San Antonia, TX, USA, June, 2009.
  • M.B.Shyam Kumar and S.Vengadesan, ‘Large Eddy Simulation of high Reynolds number flow past two square cylinders in side-by-side arrangements’, Proc. 4th National Conf. on Wind Engineering, pp.197 – 203, October, 2007.
  • G.R.Sabareesh, E.A.Gopalakrishnan, R.Ajith Kumar, S.Vengadesan, and BHLGowda ‘Interference Effects On The Flow-Induced Oscillation of Rectangular Cylinders’, 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Australia, ICWE12, CAIRNS, pp. 2399 – 2406, July, 2007.
  • N.Sekarapandian, YVSS.Sanyasi Raju and S.Vengadesan, ‘Compact Finite Difference scheme to simulate unsteady phenomena’, presented at XIV Computational, Mathematical and Statistical Methods, IIT Madras, Jan. 2007.
  • Chitra K., S. Vengadesan, T. Sundararajan and P. Nithiarasu, ‘Hemodynamic study in Cavopulmonary vascular system by Characteristic Based Split with Artificial Compressibility Scheme’, 5th Int. Conference on CFD, CSIRO 13th-15th Dec. 2006, Melbourne, Australia.
  • J.L.Narasimhan, S.Vengadesan and V.Ramesh: ‘Experimental and numerical study of interference effects on high rise bodies in staggered arrangement’, Proc. 3rd National Conf. on Wind Engineering, pp.210 – 218, January, 2006.
  • T.Ayyappan, S.Vengdesan and V.Ramesh: ‘Numerical simulation of turbulent flow past circular cylinder’, Proc. of 32nd National Conference on FMFP, pp. B6-1 – B6-9, Dec, 2005.
  • M.Chitra, S.Vengadesan, T.Sundararajan and P.Nithiarasu: ‘Prediction of flow pattern in Cavopulmonary vascular system by CBS scheme’, 8th Annual AeSI CFD Symposium, August, 2005.
  • M.Kumaran and S.Vengadesan: ‘Influence of wall on vortex shedding from a square cylinder’, 8th Annual AeSI CFD Symposium, August, 2005.
  • J.L.Narasimhan, S.Vengadesan and V.Ramesh: ‘Numerical Investigations of interference effects on wind forces on square prismatic cylinders in side-by-side arrangement’, 8th Annual AeSI CFD Symposium, August, 2005.
  • S.Vengadesan and V.Ramesh: ‘Numerical and Experimental Flow Visualization studies on flow past trapezoidal cylinder of various aspect ratio’, Proc. 8th Inter. Symp. on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization (8FLUCOME), Chengdu, China, pp. 230 – 231, August, 2005.
  • Sharth Chandra, S.Vengadesan and Chandramouli Padmanbhan: ‘Calculation of perforate muffler element impedance using Computational Fluid Dynamics’, 12th International Conf. on Sound & Vibration, Portugal, Lisbon, July, 2005.
  • S.Vengadesan and B.H.Lakshmana Gowda: ‘Influence of splitter plate on flow past a circular cylinder – A flow visualization study ’, Proc. of 31st National Conference on FMFP, pp.158-163, Dec, 2004.
  • S.Vengadesan and A.Nakayama: ‘LES of turbulent flow past square cylinder by three SGS models’, 7th Annual AeSI CFD Symposium, presented, August, 2004.
  • S.Vengadesan and A.Nakayama: ‘LES applied to predict flow over smooth hill’, 10th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics (ACFM), Sri Lanka, May 2004.
  • Akihiko Nakayama and Sankara N. Vengadesan: ‘Wall modeling for LES of high Reynolds number flow over gentle topography’, presented at 8th International conference on Flow Modeling and Turbulence Measurements, Tokyo, December 2001: Advances in Fluid Modeling & Turbulence Measurements, (Eds.) H.Ninokata, A.Wada, & N.Tanaka, pp. 719-726, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore, 2002.
  • Sankara N.Vengadesan and Akihiko Nakayama: ‘Large Eddy Simulation of flow past a two-dimensional hill’, 14th Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Tokyo, Dec.2000.
  • Sankara N.Vengadesan and Akihiko Nakayama: ‘Large Eddy Simulation of flow over smooth hill using one-equation subgrid scale model’, Proc. 2000 Meeting of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics, pp.595-596, Kyoto, July, 2000.
  • S.Vengadesan and A.Nakayama: ‘Computation of Asymmetric Turbulent near wake using k-epsilon model’, 3rd Computational Fluid Dynamics Symposium, Tokyo University, August, 1992.
  • E. G. Tulapurkara, S.Vengadesan and J. L. Narasimhan: ‘Calculation of laminar and turbulent asymmetric wake’, Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flows, Vol.II, pp.337-347, 1991.
  • E.G.Tulapurkara, S.Vengadesan and J.Lakshminarasimhan: ‘Comparison of Direct Numerical Simulation of Channel flow with calculation using k-epsilon model’, Proc. 17th National Conference on FMFP, India, F35-F39, Dec. 1990.

  Book Chapters

  • Sai Guruprasad Jakkala and S.Vengadesan, ‘Study of Hybrid LES/ RANS in OpenFOAM applied to Taylor-Coutte Flow’, Proceedings of FMFP 2019, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021, T.Prabhu et al. (eds.), pp. 639-646, .
  • Manabendendra M. De, J.S.Mathur and S.Vengadesan, ‘3D Computational Studies of Flapping Wing in Frontal Gusty Shear Flow’, Design and Developments of Aerospace Vehicles and Propulsion systems, Proceedings of SAROD 2018, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021, S.Kishore Kumar et al. (eds.), pp. 197-210, .
  • Manabendendra M. De, J.S.Mathur and S.Vengadesan, ‘On the recurrence signatures of flapping wings exposed to gusty simple shear flow’, Advances in Fluid Mechanics and Solid Mechanics, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020, D. Maity et al. (eds.), pp. 11-26, .
  • Manabendra M. De, J S Mathur, S Vengadesan (2020), “Recurrence perspective of forces generated by flapping wing under different frontal inflow conditions”. In Book: Advances in Engineering Design and Simulation - Select Proceedings of NICR 2018, Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering, Springer Nature, Singapore. ISBN 978-981-13-8467-7; DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-8468-4_16.
  • Immanuvel Paul, Venkatesh Pulletikurthi, K.Arul Prakash and S.Vengadesan, ‘Study of Momentum and Thermal Wakes due to Elliptic Cylinders of various Axes ratios using Immersed Boundary Method’, Chapter 12, © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020, S. Roy et al. (eds.), Immersed Boundary Method, Computational Methods in Engineering & the Sciences, pp.317-333, .
  • Srinidhi Nagarada Gadde, Y.Sudhakar and S.Vengadesan. ‘Investigation of Unsteady Aerodynamics of Insect Flight: The use of Immersed Boundary Method’, Chapter 13, © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020, S. Roy et al. (eds.), Immersed Boundary Method, Computational Methods in Engineering & the Sciences, pp.335-359, .

  • Multiphase Flow
  • Heat Transfer
  • Turbulence Modelling
  • Unsteady Aerodynamics
  • Computing Resources

  Current Students

  • Ullas P K in
    Ph.D scholar
    Research interests: Cavitation, turbulence
    Email: ullaspk1990 [at]
  • Naveen Raj N in
    Ph.D scholar
    Research interests: Particle scale heat transfer
    Email: naveenmhma [at]
  • Vivek Puliyeri in
    Ph.D scholar
    Research interests: Fluid flow and heat transfer
    characteristics for flow past bank of elliptic cylinders
    Email: vivekpuliyeri [at]
  • Sai Guruprasad Jakkala in
    Ph.D scholar
    Research interests: Multiphase flows, heat transfer
    Email: saiguru953 [at]
  • Darshan Patel
    Ph.D scholar
    Research interests: Electrohydrodynamics, two phase flows
    Email: darshanpatel9195 [at]
  • Vatsal Thakor in
    Ph.D scholar
    Research interests: Nanofluid lubrication
    Email: vatsalthakor1994 [at]
  • Deepak V in
    Ph.D scholar
    Research interests: Multiphase flow, microfluidics
    Email: deepakvilayil121 [at]
  • Himanshu Rameshbhai Pankhaniya in
    M.S scholar
    Research interests: Heat transfer enhancement by various surface protrusions
    Email: himanshu.pankhaniya25 [at]
  • S.Shyam Prasad in
    M.S scholar
    Research interests: Particle dispersion in turbulent flows, erosion studies
    Email: shyam_1996 [at]
  • Hanok E Endigeri
    M.S scholar
    Research interests: Electrohydrodynamics, solid-liquid phase change
    Email: hanokendigeri [at]
  • Revathi Sri E in
    M.S scholar
    Research interests: Multiphase flows
    Email: revathisri233 [at]
    Winner of Pratibha - The Eaton Excellence Award
  • Madaparthi Abhilash in
    M.S scholar
    Research interests: Evaluation of performance of biomimetic surface textures
    Email: abhilashmadaparthi [at]
  • Vishnu R in
    M.S scholar
    Research interests: Electrohydrodynamics
    Email: rajv4593 [at]
  • Vaibhav Hiwale in
    M.S scholar
    Research interests: Heat transfer augmentation
    Email: vaibhavrajratana [at]