& BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Indian Institute Of Technology Madras

Graduate Admission

| Graduate Admission

| How to apply?

The research admission portal has all the details regarding application for M.S./Ph.D programme. Click here to go to the portal.

The application details for the M.Tech. program is available in the M.Tech admission portal. Click here to go to the portal.

| Selection Process

The detailed guidelines for admission into the M.S./Direct Ph.D./Ph.D., including the selection process, can be found here. In case the link is not working, please look at the research admission portal.

The selection for M.S./Direct Ph.D./Ph.D. degrees is a 3-step process after filling the application:

  • Shortlisting based on department and institute criteria
  • Institute level written test on basic mathematics and aptitude
  • Department level interview focusing on area of specialisation
       The institute eligibility criteria for M.S./Direct Ph.D./Ph.D. can be found here.

| Categories of admission

There are 4 categories of funding for candidates selected into the M.S./Direct Ph.D./Ph.D. programs:

  • Half-Time Research Assistantship (HTRA): Candidates selected under this category are supported by the institute fellowships. Majority of the selected candidates are funded through this fellowship.
  • Candidates selected can also be supported by national level fellowships such as CSIR-NET/INSPIRE etc.
  • Project Half-Time Research Assistantship (Project HTRA): Candidates selected under this category are funded by a research project associated with a faculty member during the duration of the project and the remaining period by the institute.
  • Project Non-Half-Time Research Assistantship (Project NHTRA): Candidates selected under this category are supported only by a research project associated with a faculty member. Candidates must have prior experience working in a project to be considered for this fellowship. For further details, click here. This offer is made under projects whose funding is of duration covering the entire 5-year program.

Candidates selected under HTRA/national level fellowships can select advisors consistent with the guide allocation policy. Students selected in Project HTRA or Project NHTRA have to work with the faculty offering the project position.

Candidates from R&D organisations can also apply to the graduate programs. For details, please click here.

| Syllabus for interview

Depending on the specialization you choose for your graduate program, the interview syllabus varies. Below is the document with the syllabus for M.S./Ph.D. interviews (syllabus for direct Ph.D. is the same as M.S.):

| Guide Allocation Policy

The department emphasises independence of students/scholars in selecting their advisor/guide. Read the Guide Allocation Policy for the details. The research areas of the faculty of the department can be found here.

| M.S./Ph.D Admission [Jan-May 2025]